Near the banks of murky waters, fresh spawn cluster together and form slippery masses of embryonic life, playing out at hyper-speed. Inside each glassy specimen, we find wonder, oddity, and the uncanny sense of compressed time that occupies the macro. Freshwater Vessel optimizes this macro gaze by bending its slowed observation back towards the viewer themselves; within each orb a hybrid body develops from a single human tooth. What happens when the eye of the observer locates itself within the natural (othered) specimen? Does it resist?

Holly de Moissac

In her art practice, Holly de Moissac examines how evolving perceptions of nature help or hinder our responses to increased environmental strain. By creating surreal installations that blend human and ecological experiences, Holly’s goal is to incite empathy for a global ecology under immense pressure, whose human and non-human participants collectively seek survival in the face of insurmountable odds.